If you are an MOTL member and I've asked you to sign one, I provide the card and an SASE to send it back to me. For those of you not in America, I can't provide an SASE. I will talk to you about options after you agree to help me out, and we'll work out something. Here are the rules:
1) Please use a Sharpie or other form of permanent marker. I prefer black, but won't complain if it's a different color.
2) Sign on the dotted line! If you'd prefer to sign your MOTL handle, that's fine. Whichever you do not sign (real name or handle), please write it in the bottom left corner of the art box.
MOTL friends stu55 Bernek77 baldr7 daner nderwife Goaswerfraiejen Mr. C ronandaggy (both) implode and his toploader | MOTL Moderators inca911 nouveaux nderdog Jazaray Tha Gunslinga BoltBait dannibal coolio Thanos |
Magic pros Zvi Moshowitz Melissa DeTora LSV Conley Woods David Williams Gerry Thompson | Other Magic Folks Richard Garfield Mark Rosewater Steve Prescott Chris Moeller RK Post |
scopes13mtg BobPhylis Zalarian pyr0ma5ta tranderas ml490 snakeadelic vampyresin profilenotfound |
Future Signees GottaLoveElves iakae valmtg Leshrac PlasteredDragon junichi | No Reply cerberus rockondon flaminio | High Priority Wants Daniel Gelon* |
*- Thanos may have a lead on getting Mr. Gelon to sign one! |
If you happen to see this page and you're on the "no answer" list, please let me know if you'd be willing to do his for me.
That about covers it. If I think of anything else, I'll put it here.